I’m not sure what else to post in regards to this topic and the fact that it was so hard to find some good information out there for me. So, here is a collection of shows that are currently on Netflix or Hulu as well as other suggestions from friends and family as well as my personal favorites.


1) “The Handmaid’s Tale” (2018) – Based on Margaret Atwood’s novel about a dystopian world where all women have been born with abilities that can be used by government-sanctioned governments to limit their freedom, Gilead is a political satire on religion and. The film depicts Gilead as dangerous because you will die if you refuse and follow its rules. It also has a much more realistic storyline than a lot of books because it’s based on real events like World War II: A New History of World War 2 and
even though several people aren't happy with how things turned out, they try making peace because they still believe it’ll happen eventually. In addition to having many great performances, especially Elisabeth Moss who plays Commander Birkhead, and Nnamdi Assume who plays Commander Lomax, we get to see something different. This isn’t just a movie but an amazing series of six seasons in total which is nice because there are always new episodes. One of the reasons why it’s such a good show is because it takes place during wartime, so you get to experience life as a person who hasn't lived through any trauma. Also, each character makes choices, and these lead things throughout the entire story. That's one of my favorite aspects of this show and if you haven’t seen it already, you should give it a chance.

2) “The Crown” (2016) – An outstanding historical story about Britain and the United Kingdom since the time of King Henry VIII/ Elizabeth I. You get to see how history affects modern-day life by looking at the British monarchy and how it has affected England over the centuries. For example, how Queen Elizabeth has become something of a recluse and isolated woman because of her husband’s actions, even getting married is no longer a thing because she’s too embarrassed by it. Everything about this movie makes it worth watching because everything was presented from history textbooks so you feel like you are truly studying your facts rather than just listening. There are two main characters, Charles who gets killed in the war, and Lady Anne, who ends up becoming queen of England after her father dies. Both these main characters have very strong personalities. They do show emotion which is one of the best characteristics to have in acting, you can tell how they are feeling and their thoughts by how they act or react to certain situations. Additionally, there are many beautiful locations during the filming which made it a must-see for anyone interested in Britain. For example, Buckingham Palace gives you wonderful views of London and many other places from the past, like Sissinghurst Fort which helps bring us back to England and the period of King Henry VIII and his reign. All the buildings and places are so beautiful and you wonder how did we live before them.

3) “The Great” (2002) – Another historical movie that portrays British history while showing how the country was before that time. It tells of events between William and Mary. We learn about how the British nation went into battle against Spain and how the country had fought so much that people had forgotten how to sleep normally because of how scared they were in the face of death. It’s really interesting because it shows how the people that lived in ancient times went through a lot of difficulties. Not only this show but this is probably the most accurate portrayal of a monarchy. It was filmed in the 1950s so it would help you understand how hard people worked to survive under Britain’s monarchies. However, the movie’s plot revolves around Mary I’s relationship with Prince Philip, which eventually leads to her marriage to Edward VI and then finally to Edward VIII’s death in the end. There are so many things to enjoy and understand because the events are explained in a way that makes the events real for those who didn’t live them.

4) “Gossip Girl” (2009) – This is probably the greatest TV show to watch today and if you are not aware of the fact that you are missing out because of your high school drama days, go watch this show right now because it'll make you smile. The show follows a young girl named Jada Pinkett Smith who lives in Los Angeles under the roof of her wealthy parents. She is trying to figure out who her boyfriend Mark Adelson is and why she feels so depressed about him despite seeing him. Alongside her love for her friend Blair Waldorf one night when he visits her house and confesses his feelings, she decides to put all of his bad qualities on display. If you haven't watched this yet and want to make this movie worthwhile, get to know Jada Pinkett Smith because she knows who she is. Her parents are very rich and have tons of money but what Jada doesn’t see is the pain behind every word of hers or see that she thinks the whole thing is true. After all of this, we watch the final scene where she finally realizes how much she loves Mark because of their friendship and how much she loves him. I’d recommend this movie to a younger audience because it’s an almost teeny-tiny bit sexy in parts but if you are older that might be a little bit difficult.

5) “The Big Lebowski” (1994) – This is another classic coming-of-age movie that showed what the American west life is like and just how far westerners want to go to succeed in this land. When Chuck Berry gets into trouble for being involved in drugs he meets Roy Munro, who is a famous cowboy and can guide Chuck and his buddy Charlie through this journey. This is another one of the greatest movies of Western movies ever made because it completely displays what our characters feel, think about, or feel. It is one of the best movies ever made with the ability to take something that seems completely unrealistic and show what true emotions are like. Even though the movie may seem exaggerated it’s one of the biggest films to watch because it shows true feelings and the way we feel inside as humans. I always watch this movie whenever it opens in theaters because I love that it’s about relationships. If you watch this show you might end up falling into a deep depression about yourself and start thinking about being lonely but luckily the ending will make you laugh once again. And what about the songs, which I can’t resist playing even when someone tries to talk me out of it. These are a few of my top picks.

6) “Stranger Things” (2016) – We all love monsters, but do we know anything about the monster community? Or, perhaps even more importantly, how do monsters relate to people? Well, ‘Stranger Things’ will teach you. The second season ends with three kids having to deal with strange occurrences involving the town and the forest and, although the children get frightened at first, they soon open up to each other. It was nice to see the show because it taught the children that they can trust and rely on each other. Furthermore, it also gave viewers an insight into how people deal with things when scary ones are around. You truly feel like you get to know these kids as siblings and care for each other as friends.

7) “Charmed” (1996) - This is another cult show that's been extremely popular among adults who have wanted to watch Buffy from their youth. The original animated series ran for twelve years, between 1992-1996, but came back for a reboot in 2019. With these ten stories, you get a look into the way that evil is. Although at the beginning of the series, you don’t necessarily realize what you’re going to get until later on in the series. This show is full of magic and witches who are capable of doing pretty much whatever they want and it’s an incredible mystery in a sense due to their magical abilities. From what I’ve seen, they live within the shadow of the woods because it protects them. They are invisible creatures except to others and, unlike their supernatural counterparts, they don’t have superpowers and this creates quite the comedic effect on their stories. The show also brings into question whether or not people can control the power of darkness and who we can turn to when we need it.

8) “Supergirl” (2012) - Just like Superman I thought this was going to be great but instead, it became a huge hit. Supergirl is essentially a superhero with teleportation powers. This means she starts pretty helpless and works her way up to be a formidable hero with the help of Robin Rizzo, who also happens to be her best friend and ally from High School. Unfortunately, however, after witnessing a suicide, Robin begins realizing that he’s not cut out to save the world anymore like Superman and uses her invisibility power for more good deeds and helping others. While her powers are limited, it is easy for her to change into other forms of dark matter, including human, animal, alien beings, etc. Despite all the fun parts, it doesn’t take long for people to realize that the writers were just tired of writing a Superman comic and the writers wanted to write a Supergirl comic as well. But yes, she does have powers that allow her to use her teleporting powers for
